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We urgently need an intern! From 15 March to 15 May 2024

Dear    Teachers and students including former students who are interested in research and community media in the Mekong River

We urgently need an intern! From 15 Mar. to 15 May 2024

To support the research and collect questionnaires, organize a focus group, organize a community forum, and create community media. In the Mekong Basin area, there are 5 communities: Ban Huai Luek, Ban Pak Ing, Ban Thung Na Noi, Ban Hat Bai Hat Sai Thong, Ban Sok Kok (under the Mekong Safeguard Project) and the organic rice project in Chiang Khong District Chiang Rai Province, 3 communities: Ban Thung Ngio, Ban Kia, Ban Wai. and Ban Bunruang

We urgently need volunteers or interns. Both Thai and foreigners, good command of Thai and/or English. Age 19 years and up, regardless of gender, age, race, and educational background. You only need to be able to write, read, analyze, synthesize, summarize, report and be able to do community research and create simple community media. Between 15 March and 15 May 2024 for two months.

Everyone who is selected will receive a volunteer allowance. Accommodation and food are provided for two months. Including travel expenses in the area. Incidentally, those who pass the selection must have a budget for traveling from their home to Chiang Khong District, Chiang Rai Province. By yourself in a volunteer style

Applications are open from now until March 9, 2024. The interview is online on March 10. The results will be announced on March 11th. And on March 14th, volunteers or interns travel to the accommodations on the riverbank of Chiang Khong District Chiang Rai Province

  March 15th Volunteer workshop begins. Simple and contemporary community research and media


On May 10, the performance evaluation, and on May 15, 2024, a certificate of community volunteer internship at the Mekong School: institute of Local Knowledge will be announced. and finally farewell party.

University professors who are interested in sending students or graduate students waiting for work, unemployed people, or high school students. who are interested in learning about Mekong River Basin Life University. Including retired people who still want to learn about the communities of ordinary people in the Mekong Basin. which has been facing problems affected by the development of electric power dams and large commercial shipping for more than two decades. As the construction of electric dams close to home increases…!!!!!!!!!

Hurry!!!!! limited number of 5 people only.

Interested in contact details?  

Tel ThaiNo. 0661636451

or fill out the application form via the link

Best regards

Nopparat Lamun

Project Managers and facilitator 

Chiang Khong Conservation Group & Mekong School: Institute of Local Knowledge

Private Thailand’s Phone No. 0956861365


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